Donna commented how nice it was not to be distracted by clothing, something that elementary school concerts seem to have a lot of as the kids tend to where anything. It was nice to have them all in black and we could concentrate on the music and singing.

Our seats were one row back and it felt up close and personal, like each chorus member was singing just to us. The young lady in the second row, second from right is Emily Owens, my friend PJ's child.

Cait steals a glance at us from across the theater.

A color shift and a conductor shift as one of BBA students took over conducting for the Electronic music ensemble called Circuits

Top middle is Chris Moore, a new friend of Cait's

Smile Cait, Smile!!!! probably hard to do when singing an opera.

Another light change and the Performing arts teacher conducting the orchestra.

The Vocal ensemble singing Riu, Riu, Chiu

Dark of the Moon sung along with orchestra back up.

Cait seems to notice every time the camera is pointing at her.

The finale'. White Christmas with all choirs, bands and accompaniments.
A Standing ovation followed, well deserving.
The nights program-
Dark of the Moon - Vocal Ensaemble - Karen Beth(libana)
Anvil Chorus from IL Travatore - combined ensembles - Giuseppe Verdi
Reverberations - Instrumental ensemble - Brian Balmages
Lullay My Liking - Chamber Choir - Gustav Holst
No-Yeh - Circuits - Electronic Ensemble - Neil Freeburn
Don't let the World - Circuits - Jean Luc Ponte
Reel around the sun - Circuits - River Dance
Riu, Riu, Chiu - Vocal ensemble - Renaissance Spain
Throw the yule log on, Uncle John - Chamber Choir - P.D.Q. Bach
Rondeau from Illyrian Dances - Instrumental ensemble - Guy Woolfenden
White Christmas - all ensembles - Irving Berlin
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