Everybody loves to open presents, but most are not this careful about it.
"Lemmee see, lemmee see" Lexi wants to see what Tina got
"I really like your boots, do thy have names?" " Can they come play with me?"
Nothing like watching a boy and a dog interact.
Jelani with his year in pictures compliments of a photographer he happens to know.
Tina tries on her new bracelet, designed by yours truly.
Mark loves Jelani's photo album, all pictures and no words
The gift of the night. A special present from Donna to the Williams boys. Mark made the trip just to be here for this gift.
Father and son share a moment reflecting
Tina takes time to enjoy the gift.
Generation to Generation - To be a team you first must be a family.
Photos are of Mark and Jelani playing B Ball in the park Mark grew up playing at.
Donna was so excited to give this wonderful art piece.
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