Thursday, December 31, 2009
Punch Buggy QUEEN
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
The Deuso's visit
Jay reliving People's Academy basketball from 20 years ago on Facebook
Hey!! looked who stopped by all the way from Chi-town ..... Jenn Wideawake
Deuso's and Goodhales take a snapshot for prosperity .... well maybe just the blog
Saturday, December 26, 2009
The Hales have arrived!!
Renea and Rachel looks for their names on the tags.
Nothing like playing Wii on 52 inches. Jelani and Richard engage in sword battle
Renea and Cait play some mini games waiting their turn for the Wii
GoodHales in da house!!!!!!
Lexie and her sissy.
Greg and Tanya with their gift .... can ya guess. Something Greg uses everytime he stops here.
A Kuerig coffee machine
Complete with coffee k-cups
Cait asked for money -- she got dollar coins and 2 dollar bills.
Little hard to spend
Hank opening dvd sets from Greg and family
The Hale clan kids. Wanna take them home?
Renae collecting a few bows
Donna and the quilt my mom made for her. Custom colored for our bedroom.
Two quilts for christmas. Of course mom related everything that went wrong while making them, stuck fingers, sewing machine breakdowns, etc. etc.
Tanya shows mom the bracelet Cait made for her.
Renae seems to have found more bows
I think Renea has been around Lexie too.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Chirstmas 2009
A partridge in a pear tree? , nope three cards in the christmas tree.
Lola, Lexi and Bella waiting to open their stockings
The goods from Santa. several frisbees, chewie toys, treats some stuffed animals.
Donna shows off her new necklace. Made by her handsome boyfriend (wink, wink)
Cait and her stocking .... anything good?
Cait checking out one of her favorite gifts every year ... an Itunes card
Lexie relaxing with a chewie while the family opens gifts.
Lola snacks on treats from her stocking.
After the stockings were opened and a hardy breakfast we all returned to open our gifts.
Cait made out, look at this pile!!!!!!
Lexie's first christmas morning photo with her mom and sissy
Dad gets a photo taken also
Cait shows off the necklace she made for Donna. Very creative and beautiful.
Cait in a sweatshirt from the college she hopes to attend.
FIT - Fashion Institute of Technology in Manhattan
A picture from this summer at the beach in a custom frame
Cait also got a BBA fleece complete with logo, name and class year '13. A one of a kind to wear with pride.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Chirstmas Eve
Can you tell if Caitlyn like Brandy-balls?
I was home for dinner on Christmas Eve. Cait had arrived for her stay. Donna's mom had given us our yearly delivery of Brandy balls, We love them.
Don't have to worry about her sneaking down to have a few.
WE were very excited to have Cait with us for Christmas this year.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Austin-Williams visit
Everybody loves to open presents, but most are not this careful about it.
"Lemmee see, lemmee see" Lexi wants to see what Tina got
"I really like your boots, do thy have names?" " Can they come play with me?"
Nothing like watching a boy and a dog interact.
Jelani with his year in pictures compliments of a photographer he happens to know.
Tina tries on her new bracelet, designed by yours truly.
Mark loves Jelani's photo album, all pictures and no words
The gift of the night. A special present from Donna to the Williams boys. Mark made the trip just to be here for this gift.
Father and son share a moment reflecting
Tina takes time to enjoy the gift.
Generation to Generation - To be a team you first must be a family.
Photos are of Mark and Jelani playing B Ball in the park Mark grew up playing at.
Donna was so excited to give this wonderful art piece.
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