The next day we headed to Newport to meet Donna's friend Charlene for lunch. After which we headed down the Ocean Drive to view the mansions and stop at Brenton's Point. The kites were flying and we were also on the hunt for caches. Of course with an open field Lola would not let us not play frisbee....Duck! Donna!!

Into the puckerbrush we go. 'Are you sure the coord's are right?' A twist and turn through the prickers and we found it.

Lola temporarily forgets frisbee to help find the cache. Great hiding spot.

Lola wants to see whats in the cache. "any goodies?" I found a great spot to rest. I'm thinking what a great throne, Donna is thinking Humpty dumpty.

Checking coord's for next venture. Another twisting path through the woods that looked primeval. After getting close Donna spotted this one.

We sign the log and leave a trade. Heather looked on. She does this with her boys, now she knows where a couple of them are.

What a great spot for a cache. This tower seems straight from the crusades across Europe. Check out the stairs built into the walls. What a view too!!

After continuing around Ocean Drive and seeing more mansions. We dropped Heather off at her studio and ready to head to Beth's. I had located a cache just down the road from heather's Studio so we headed there. Another hidden path through the ticky and we located the hide site. This one had our first travel bug. It had traveled all the way from the west coast. Any jargon you might have trouble with goto http://www.geocaching.com/

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