The next morning we headed to the Forefathers National Monuement. Along with some history we were hunting a cache.

Peter and I read the etchings for a clue we needed to complete the coordinates for finding the cache. We needed to find a series of 4 numbers and use the first and last number to plug into a set of LAT and LON numbers. Well the were several 4 digit numbers (years). We had several to choose from.

Victory!!! after a few trys and couple of tromps through the thickets Peter and I located the cache. Find #8. I do have lots of fun trying to find these. We signed the log and traded and item.
We parted ways with Peter and headed down to the historic center near the bay.

1620 was the year that Pilgrims landed here on Plymouth Rock. Almost 400 years ago. 170 years or so before the signing of the Declaration of Independance. Weird thinking what our forefathers were thinking coming here to state anew , create a new country and have it end in the state we are experiencing now. Any guesses as to what they might think about today?

Here it is! Plymouth Rock....or part of it anyways. It has been moved several times, had pieces chiseled from it for souveneirs. Broken in half and repaired several more times. Not really sure of what I thought when I finally saw this. This is the rock...but its just a rock.?

Nearby we found a replica of the ships used to cross the vast ocean and land upon the shores of what we now call America. We have come from this vessel used to explore the seas, to vessels that explore space. Our ability to expand upon technologies amaze me, now if we could only expand on human abilities to the full potential.
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