Cait, Donna and I traveled to Hyde Park this weekend. I was to attend a practical pistol shoot with friend Ed Davis, which just so happens to have been held in same town where Donna's mom lives, so it worked out perfectly to visit and have a place to stay. Cait and I got up at 6am to go to the range in the rain. We watched the shoots for about an hour and half until Cait was too cold to keep going. Here is a shooter running a course called "Window shopping"

After visiting for the rest of the weekend, we headed home and while going thru Waterbury decided to stop at Ben and Jerry's because Donna wanted to visit the grave of her favorite flavor "Coconut Almond Fudge Chip" which they had discontinued at the scoop shops this winter. We arrived to find the flavor cemetary had not been set up yet for the summer season. So what do you do? Go for the tour of course. Cait even found her favorite flavor, which just happens to be the number 5 best selling flavor.

Do any of these guys look like Ben or Jerry?

At the end of the factory tour we stopped at the scoop shop, and low and behold they still had..... you guessed it! COCONUT ALMOND FUDGE CHIP!!!!!!!! You can see here someone finishing hers.......standing next to the handsome man in black. .Oh what a day! As it says below Come Back Soon!!
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