RISP....for those not in the know is Rhode Island School of Photography...which just so happens not to exist anymore. Its owner having moved it to Boca Raton, FL then embezzled the student dorming funds finally leading to its demise. But! there is always a BUT. During its time was one of the most renowned photography schools in the country. With esteemed alumni such as, Charie Parker, Nancy Green, Kevin Macy, Beth Marengo, Kathy Nemec, Heather Shuman and many others including Donna.

Here it is....this is it......believe it.....I did not! One building! In a rough neighborhood of Providence. Webster Ave for those who know the area. Donna says it looks better now than it did during her attendance. The building now is a Church for the Latter Day Saints for Jesus Christ. WOW!

This FINE looking building is the dorm that Donna spent her years at RISP in. At that time this was a brand new duplex newly constructed just for her and Beth....not really....they were the envy of the other students when they learned of it. The door on the left is the side they occupied. This building does not look so good today, completely opposite of the school building. Just a side note a stabbing took place just houses away the night before we stopped and took this photo. Go Union Ave!
Awww my old house! Is the line on the street still Red/Green/White? THat always amazed me- the italian lines on the street. The house looks really sad, I guess he did not make good use of our deposit that he KEPT!!!
The school looks good though.
WOW.. that is a building that i haven't seen in a dog's age. I think that they just got the dorm thing the year i left. Had some good times there.
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