With everyone traveling distances, we really wanted to have the extra time to enjoy everyone being together. So, on Saturday evening, my father hosted the Reception at his home about 15 minutes outside of Saratoga. Rutland local favorites Jeff Poremski and Aaron Audet entertained us with some wonderful music, we had great food, dancing, camp fire and the best part being with the people we love most!!

For those that have been at the studio have certainly seen Lola and Lexie, our Golden Doodles. We had to have them there, being they are such a big part of our family. Caitlyn, Brad's daughter was my maid of honor and my godson, Jelani was the best man. Our most adorable flower princess, Charlie came all the way from Ohio to be part of our special day. Her Mommy and Daddy our dear friends of ours!

This was the first official photograph we saw from the wedding, we were on our way to NYC to fly out for our honeymoon (Germany!!). I now truly understand when my brides gush over their images. Our friend, Charlie Parker produced the EXACT image I was hoping for. I wanted something very classic, Victorian, traditional. He nailed it!! I really felt at that point if this was the only image I had from the wedding, I would be happy. Of course thousands more will follow, but this one will always be extra special!

I think you can see why!! The talent that surrounded us that day was AMAZING! A BIG thank you to the "official" photographers Eric Stoner, Matthew Payeur, Don Whipple, Nancy Green, Bernie Littlefield, Charlie Parker, Wayne Tarr, Mark and Jennifer Garber.

Brad and I can't thank our family and friends enough for the love and support as we became Mr and Mrs Bradley GoodHale. OOOHH I almost forgot. The #2 question I am getting is about my name change and many thinking I was lucky enough to find someone with a name so close to mine. Nope, my last name was Goodhue ( I know many of you only know me as Donna from Expressions) and Brad's last name was Hale. We have combined our names and both have legally changed our name to be GoodHale!
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