The gang in front of the Capitol. Can you tell we were having great weather and it was only 10 am.

Going on vacation with a professional photographer is a special treat. Around every corner is a postcard picture ready to be taken!!
The Capitol from the east gardens.

Once through security we made our way to the visitors center. We were just in time for the next tour, and did not have to wait for our appointment time.

Being that congress was in recess we were able to score tickets from Senator Leahy to visit both the Senate and House galleries to see where the action takes place.

Both Jelani and Cait decided they wanted to take photos as well on this trip. Donna showing Jelani all they features of her camera.

This is one of Cait's photos

This is one of Jay's

The Russell Senate building, home to the personal offices of our senators.

Cait and Jay in front of Pat Leahy's office. Yes I am on a first name basis with him.

The King and Queen visit a Senator!

After the Capitol and Senate building we went to the Wax Museum (having fun the first time at the NYC one). We found some of Donna's relatives. This is President Grover Cleveland a relative from her mothers family.

Next is President Calvin Coolidge who married a Goodhue, from her father's family.

My first White House press conference.
"Chuck Todd, next question".
Look for me again during the next national disaster.

Back in Annapolis we had dinner out down by the bay. Nothing like couple of pizzas and sodas at dusk in the park. There was this great little gathering area, were many others had the same idea as us.

End to a great day!
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