Adam wanting a new pair of Ziggs and Don more then willing to loan him the money, but with terms. Oh and income verification is needed.

Nothing like a celebration with a fine craft brew.

And what a craft brew. Allagash Brewery of Maine has this Ale thats aged in bourbon barrels making a fine sipping ale. Hints of caramel, vanilla and bitters makes this a great after dinner beer. 11% alcohol by volume doesn't hurt either.
There were also several other tasting brews as well from Harpoon, Ayinger, Wychwood, and Trout River. Oh and some wine and soda for the the others.

You can't have competition prints out without having the proper lights! You can't get the lights out without one of the bulbs blowing!!
The crowd is SHOCK of our selections!!
Charlie asking Gillian....
"What were you THINKING??
We all went through our FLOWER POWER phase... maybe Bob stayed their a little longer then the rest of us!!
Charlie can tell you EXACTLY what the judges said, why they were wrong and that this print deserved more then a 72!!!!
After seeing this image, I understood why Charlie didn't pursue weddings. Sorry Charlie, that image was FUNNY! What were you THINKING??
Can you see my BIG hands?? Family Tree was the title. For the record it MERITED at PPA. What were the judges THINKING??
Of course it would not be a get together with Jenks involved if we didn't have to do a 4x5 image!!

SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE! Charlie still has the touch!!
Thank you Charlie, Meg and Adam for such a fun day and wonderful way to celebrate Charlie's 50th Birthday!
This group is really like a second family for me. After all they have been part of my life for over 20 years and more then half my life!

Charlie, your the man!! You have educated me, inspired me, motivated me and I LOVE you for all of it! I am so lucky to have someone to challenge my thoughts and always give me a different perspective. Thank you for being YOU!! Happy Birthday Charlie!

There were also several other tasting brews as well from Harpoon, Ayinger, Wychwood, and Trout River. Oh and some wine and soda for the the others.

You can't have competition prints out without having the proper lights! You can't get the lights out without one of the bulbs blowing!!

The crowd is SHOCK of our selections!!

Charlie asking Gillian....
"What were you THINKING??

We all went through our FLOWER POWER phase... maybe Bob stayed their a little longer then the rest of us!!

Charlie can tell you EXACTLY what the judges said, why they were wrong and that this print deserved more then a 72!!!!

After seeing this image, I understood why Charlie didn't pursue weddings. Sorry Charlie, that image was FUNNY! What were you THINKING??

Can you see my BIG hands?? Family Tree was the title. For the record it MERITED at PPA. What were the judges THINKING??

Of course it would not be a get together with Jenks involved if we didn't have to do a 4x5 image!!

SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE! Charlie still has the touch!!
Thank you Charlie, Meg and Adam for such a fun day and wonderful way to celebrate Charlie's 50th Birthday!

This group is really like a second family for me. After all they have been part of my life for over 20 years and more then half my life!

Charlie, your the man!! You have educated me, inspired me, motivated me and I LOVE you for all of it! I am so lucky to have someone to challenge my thoughts and always give me a different perspective. Thank you for being YOU!! Happy Birthday Charlie!
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