We were lucky to find the original name on a sign as they are in the process of changing the name!

We were able to arrange to have Pastor Richard show my parents around the church and some of the changes in the last 37 years!

He was kind enough to offer for them to renew their vows

He only gave me a few minutes to take a few photos and then insisted that I be the daughter and not the photographer.

My parents really enjoyed talking with Pastor Richard and seeing the church they were married in 37 years ago to the day!

Pastor Richards wasn't a bad photographer either!! He is a photo he took of Brad and I with my parents.

Here they are in front of the church!

After our visit at the church we then went from house to house where my mother lived when she was in CT. This the the trailer her and my father, Roger lived in after they were married. You really can't imagine how close these homes were!!
This is the second home she lived in. Her first real house! Had to been a MAJOR upgrade!
Then living the dream they got an even bigger house!! This is the house she lived in where she took me home from the hospital.
After her divorce, this was the home she lived in when she met Ashley. This is the house I have a FEW memories from.
My father, Roger owned this gas station. I am sure this isn't what it looked like in 1970, but the same location!!

My mom has been wanting to do this trip for years. I think it was worth the wait!!
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