Traveling in style. Now if I could just get the dogs to paddle too.
Ricker Pond ( pond/lake #4)

Taking Jelani for a spin around the pond.

Home away from Home!! J's bedroom for the week.

Wilderness kitchen. All anyone needs for gourmet camping.

Lola plays Frisbee, Lexie plays Lola.

Good friends Ed and Linda Pedi. They traveled up from Mass for a night of hospitality with the GoodHales.

Just because we are in the middle of nowhere, its no reason not to be freshly shaved!

Courtney Stevens came up for a few days to soak in the sun and relax on her floatie. Thats a sippy cup full of margarita. What a life, huh Courtney? Thanks for coming up and staying

A photo of Gillian in her kayak taking a picture of Donna in the canoe taking a picture of Gillian in her kayak.


Mine!! Mine!! MINE!! MINE! WOOF!!!

Drowned rats with thir mommy. We went to the falls area to pay our respects to Ellie, Kodiak, Copper, and Holly!

Soon to be past, immediate past, and past. What. Presidents of PPANE, of course.

Fun at the falls and rock slide.

Life does not get better than this when your a kid!!!!!

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