Not only did I have the HONOR of judging at Professional Photographers Of America's International judging, I also had the HONOR to room with Mary and her upgraded room!!

Our adjoining roommates were Markie and Jennifer! OH THE FUN we had! Ask Mark about Gold Bond!

Not only did I get to room with Mary but Ken was a bonus!!

Being we were the cool cats to hang out with, Andrew joined us!!

Helen had one of her dreams come true with becoming a "biker chick"!

If being able to judge at Nationals wasn't awesome enough, I got to spend most my time with two of my FAVORITE guys!!

The NEW Dream Team!! And I don't mean bowling team!! I was on the album panel for 1 and half days. FUN FUN FUN, loved EVERY minute of it!!

Don't worry, even with the long hours of judging we were still up for food and drinks!!

Mark teaching the young lads how to eat wings!


They don't get any better then these guys!! LUV YA!!

Show me the LUV!!

It doesn't get much better then this... OK maybe if Brad was there it would have been a NOTCH better!!

My Buddy!! Drinking his local beer! Got to love him!!

Ken rooming with the gals! He knows where to be for all the FUN!
Don't miss out on this AWESOME video!!
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