The existing deck/porch. I needed to see the underpinnings before starting.

Some take a bird's eye view. I'm kinda partial to the a bug's eye view. Anyways you can't judge a slope from above.

Framework almost done, just a few supports and its time to lay decking.

Nothing like a little encouragement from the girls.

"See, it's level...."

"Now, is it measure once and cut twice or the other way around?" and "Why do supervisors get to sit in the shade?"

"Nope, measure twice, cut once!"

Just about there. Needs some railings for code, but we are almost complete.

Here's the bird's eye view. Top railing in. Anyone feel like they are looking down a ski jump?

Test drive!!!!

Getting the approach just right

"Yep, works both ways"

Spindles in and to code. "Is it time for a beer yet?"

Complete with grocery gate installed.

Can you tell I'm having a beer. Beverley is out cleaning up.

Just a final rinsing and it will look like new.