Instructor Training
After the retirement of our departments HazMat instructor I volunteered for the job. My background in hazardous materials training with the Fire Service was about to come in handy. I still needed instructor training and I found the perfect course at The Department of Homeland Security's Center for Domestic Preparedness in Anniston, AL. I spent a week on the federal dime becoming a certified instructor for Homeland Security
10 hours a day for 5 days I spent the long hours honing my skills to teach, speak, present, course design, and make computer presentaions. We were issued a laptop and spent many hours after class back in the dorms researching our given presentations. I would give two presentations with computer enhancements. My terrorism presentation would be the 1972 Munich Olympics, and my preparedness presentaion would be on the Emergency Response Guidebook for Hazardous Materials.
ITC 10-04, Instructor Training Certification. Security badge for access.
Main classroom where all 29 of my classmates would receive our lectures and assignments. The room is set up great, plenty of workspace, comfy chairs, and fantastic technology built into the room
Break out class room where my study group researched and completed our presentations. Another great set up, 8 workstations along the walls and a center conference table. This is the same room I gave both presentations in, one of the presentations was video'd for self criticism purposes
Our dorm facility across campus. There are 6 such buildings, Allows for hundred of students to attend training. There was classes for Medical personnel, law enforcement, Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Management.

Due to some of the sensitive nature of the training, security is top notch. No unauthorized entrance!!
Welcome sign! As you can see on the white board there would be several classes on campus. A total of 143 students woud be around this weeks, 29 in my class.
Cobra Alley, pictures of classes that attended training over the last year. COBRA is an old acronym for Hazardous Materials( chemical, ordinance, biological, radiological )
My spacious room. Not too bad for the G (government). Full wi-fi, coffee maker, fridge, microwave, and maid service,
I will be returning in March for Weapons of Mass Destruction Standardized Awareness trainer.
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