The lobby had this huge ice sculpture.

Welcome!!! Monte Carlos night.
Gaming tables and a great Hor D'ouvres with raw bar.
BlackJack ... 21 .... Is that James Bond?
Stacks kept growing 20 grand a chip, started with 4
Does the word Debonair even come close?
This beauty decided to be a little coy.
Nothing like a night out. and the GoodHales partied it up.
Mike and Jeanne, some of our table mates for the night
Tom, Kathy, Steve and Debbie, the rest of our NYE gang.
Mirage brought the house down.
Waiting on the countdown in between trips to the dance floor.
This says it all, we had a great night, some casino gaming, great company, dinner, and dancing. We definitely may come back
Happy New Year !!!! 2011