It starts with breaking up 1 lb bricks of white chocolate. This year I use a knife to break up the chocolate. I tried one year with my hands and ended up at the ER! (long story don't ask)
The batch of dry ingredients are mixed up, and waiting in the pans for the chocolate melting in the microwave behind me.
Cait enjoys making our treats, or is she happy because she keeps sampling the goods!
The dry ingredients - M&M,s (plain, mint) mini pretzels, rice chex, corn chex, cinnimon toast crunch, and honey roasted peanuts
Add the melted chocolate ...
mix well ....
and Presto!! white trash!
and do it again...... waiting on the chocolate to melt.
I'm done ... six batches later and several sinks full of dishes...
The final product, packed and ready to be given away!
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