A WEEKEND OFF!! And boy do we need it! Between my busy season, PPANE and now getting Lexie, it was nice to have a morning that I didn't have to RUN out of bed.
The first couple of nights with Lexie, Lola did not want to be on the bed hanging out with Lexie. She would wait till Lexie was in her kennel before she would get on the bed. Nice that she is OK with being on the bed together now.
We tried to stop and see my Aunt Pat on our way back from getting Lexie. She had an appointment and couldn't meet up with us but suggested stopping on her way to my Uncle Seth's house the following weekend. I was happy she got to see Lexie so small like she did Lola. Aunt Pat is a big dog fan too!!
Lexie is to small to look over the rail and to big to stand under. I am sure in a SHORT amount of time she will see over the rail.
Our first walk on a leash.
Lexie had her big sissy to show her the way.
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