Our chariot for the evening. The Spirit of Ethan Allen III. On board awaiting us was an 18 piece orchestra band waiting to serenade us with their big band sound.
Tickets for the evening with our table assignment and menu card.
A self portrait is never more than an arms length away!
Check out the date on this receipt, exactly one year ago. I found it in the pocket of my pants, must have been the last time I wore them. Must be special party pants.
Bon Apetite. The meals were absolutely wonderful, Donna had the chicken and I had the pork. We dined to the melodies of the 30's and 40's with lakeswishing by our window seats.
Happy Birthday Donna!!
On deck enjoying the evening. cooling down from dancing.
Last moments of the day, as the sun sets over the New York shore. What a perfect evening.
5am on her actual birthday and she had to have her gifts when she awoke.
What'd she get. Gonna have to ask her!
OK, she got n E Z Pass for the Jeep. Now she does'nt have to stop for tolls, and memorial stones for Ellie and Kodiak
Of course we had to have cake, but we waited until we got home to share it with Lola who just happens to like birthday cake.
Happy Birthday Donna!!!!!
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