Rachel and Lola relax on the deck.
I know you've seen this game before. We had a few rousing games of Ladder Golf, or Hillbilly Golf, or Ninja Golf whatever you prefer.
Rachel cheerleading for her father.
Donna in mid-toss. I'm sure it was a point or two. She can be deadly at this game.
We heard the music long before we saw the truck! This was the first time any of us had stopped the Ice Cream man. He goes thru the neighborhoods daily in the summer. What a great treat!!
I scream, You scream, we all scream for Ice Cream !!!!!!
Enough rest, back to the games! J has the look and wills his toss to score.
I take a break in the shade, Rachel enjoys the moment with her favorite(only) uncle!
Renae says . "Nothing like a popsicle on a hot summer day!"
Richard was dead on today, He scored many points for the team.
Greg on the other hand started off over throwing many shots before getting his groove on. Would you like plans to make you own set of ladder golf, stayed tuned another informercial in the works
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