A day off coincided with one of Richard's baseball games. Off we went to Manchester to watch. Richard's team is the Lions. Batter up!

Lola resting with Rachels after some heavey frisbee playing

Catch me, Catch me!!! Lola would not let the girls get her frisbee.

Am I cute or what?

Rachel lost a loose tooth while playing. Hope the tooth fairy noticed!

Sisters, sisters, There were never such devoted sisters ....

OK, your guess is as good as mine, stop action photo during the game but someone was'nt moving?

Baseball card pose?

Richard gets congrats from his sisters.
Another baseball card in the making. FYI the Lions won 11-2. Go Richard. Watching the game reminded of way back when Greg and I played Little League together. We spent hours at home practicing. He was a catcher and I played the field and relief pitched!

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