VPP has its last meeting before convention at the convention location. That location this year is The Equinox Hotel in Manchester just a mere 30 miles south of us here in Rutland. Being this close we like to offer up our home for VPP'rs who might not want to drive those extra miles early in the AM to arrive on time. Two members took us up on the offer. Those are not cotton balls sitting at the couch...........

Its Gillian and Robin!!!!!! They are getting the tour of Donna's new sales tool. What is it you ask? A mini Mac with bluetooth keyboard and mouse and connected to a 32inch flat LCD tv mounted to the wall as seen above. Images and videos just POP when viewed on it. Custom hidden installation too, which can requested for your own set up.

This bevy of beauties were captured at the Sirloin Saloon in Manchester. Julia, Gillian, Donna, Robin, and Felice. It must have been a hell of a program to draw members of other states( NH and ME). Maybe its just the reputation of Vermont hospitality that brought them. You decide.
PS. I got the doggy bag, sorry Kevin!
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