lead-er [lee-der] noun
1. a person or thing that leads.
2. a guiding or directing head, as of an army, movement, or political group.
wom-an [woo-man] noun
1. the female human being
2. an adult female person.
self-less [self-lis] adj
having, exhibiting, or motivated by no concern for oneself; unselfish
These are only three words from the english language that can be used to describe Donna. There are plenty more that come to mind, dedicated, committed, absolute, loyal and the list can go on and on. This week Donna is traveling again. She finds herself in Hyannis, MA. on Cape Cod attending NEIPP a week long educational experience put on by the Professional Photographers Association of New England, that she just so happens to be the current President. She has tirelessly devoted the last six months as President to this organization moving it forward. I have watched her complete a long list of tasks she had set out for herself and a few pet projects along the way. I have watched her change attitudes from can't to can, from won't to will and when that has failed she has stepped up to the plate and finished whatever needed to be done . I can only hope others see what I see in her everyday. It is no wonder I love her!?!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Donna's at NEIPP

The lucky guinea pigs........ Tom, Ed, and Nancy.
Make a wish!!!!!

Save some for everyone.........I don't want the piece with drool on it!!

Xmas finally comes for the Sirrico-Green's. In earlier posts you've seen the fabulous house signs delivered and hung. This one was finally finished after receiving the pictures I needed to complete it.

Peter looks happy....but what the hell is wrong with Gillian? I know the cake is not that bad.

Neipp Staff group photo.
All smiles....must have been taken early in the week.

Donna gives yet another variation of her convention speeches.
When are you coming home?????
Friday, March 27, 2009
MEMS presents "The Music Man" junior

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Cait's visit

We got the edges done quickly and went to work on the picture.

Gillian stayed with us to go to Donna's meeting in Manchester. The dogs got to stay with Cait and I. Here is our Lola, and Gillians Rufus and Arlo and little Bella who Gillian was also watching for a friend.

Our next find was a hidden in plain site cache.

Took Cait a little to spot it, but with coaching she did.

We can't tell you where it is but it is a Rutland City Cache. BEWARE of the prickers.
VPP weekend

VPP has its last meeting before convention at the convention location. That location this year is The Equinox Hotel in Manchester just a mere 30 miles south of us here in Rutland. Being this close we like to offer up our home for VPP'rs who might not want to drive those extra miles early in the AM to arrive on time. Two members took us up on the offer. Those are not cotton balls sitting at the couch...........

Its Gillian and Robin!!!!!! They are getting the tour of Donna's new sales tool. What is it you ask? A mini Mac with bluetooth keyboard and mouse and connected to a 32inch flat LCD tv mounted to the wall as seen above. Images and videos just POP when viewed on it. Custom hidden installation too, which can requested for your own set up.

This bevy of beauties were captured at the Sirloin Saloon in Manchester. Julia, Gillian, Donna, Robin, and Felice. It must have been a hell of a program to draw members of other states( NH and ME). Maybe its just the reputation of Vermont hospitality that brought them. You decide.
PS. I got the doggy bag, sorry Kevin!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Office help
Monday, March 9, 2009
Birthday BINGO girl!!

Every time I go to bingo with Lori I come home with a head ache. Looking at this you can see why. I mean, really how many ways can they come up with playing bingo. You need a degree in bingo playing to keep up with them.

Here is the birthday bingo girl. No big wins for her but she was all smiles with her flowers and her friends that came to celebrate her big day. Brad is the only one at our table that bingo. He won $35 bucks!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
101 album layout

I think in the end Matt would even admit he enjoyed laying it out. The album came out beautiful! Hope to have it at VPP to share with everyone.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
RI convention

I bet after 3 and 1/2 hours in the car with ME, Bob was happy to see this sign!!

The best part about this convention was that I got to spend time with one of my dearest friends from photo school, Heather. This is Rob and Heather on trolley on our way to dinner.

How cool that I got to see Amia on this trip too. If you need any match making, Amia and I are the ones to ask. 100% success to report. Two friends, 1 marriage, and 1 baby!

Look Bob is having a GREAT time! Of course when is the last time you got to visit the twilight zone??

Here is Heather celebrating her birthday the night of the banquet. Makes me think back few years ago that Heather and Rob made it up to Vermont for one of my Birthday bashes!

With all the 80's music we heard that night it took Heather and I right back to our days at RISP!!
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