If you can not tell this is a barn at the 1881 farm in Rutland Town. Every year the Hathaway family plants a new corn crop and maze. This year was a very Vermont theme. With many Vermont iconic images cut through the several acre field.

Cait and Phoebe pose at the beginning the maze. We were given a punch card to record any of the 8 hidden punches within the maze.

This weekend DJ Vince and Aubrey were up from the Boston area and joined us on the venture. Don't they make a great pair. "Come on Vince....SMILE!!!"

Speaking of great couples, ......... She's the Brains .... He's the brawn .... or is it the other way round. Not sure if Donna was trying a new WWF move on me or what. Can you say atomic suplex!!!
Help!!!! we're lost!!!!
Is that a way out....... nope, just a tease...

I'm thinking up would be a better way out of this, Don't you?
These types of signs were scattered throughout the maze, did'nt really tell you how to get out quickly..

Funny??!!?? ha ha

See.... another damn sign not telling us how to get out. We did find Cait and Phoebe. They were back in the maze after already find the exit.

Thank you.... Thank you.... Thank you..... Let's see its only been and hour and half since we started!

Covered picnic area... these guys have thought of everything. And the advertising dose'nt hurt.

Vince and Aubrey.... Hope it's not milking time!!!!!

The Goodhale's +1 get down on the farm
Strike a pose.!>! Check out that gold dome on or capitol building... Any guesses as to why we a gold dome? email us your answer.

1 comment:
The Hathaway's mazes are awesome! I finally made it there for the first time last month, but I had seen arial photo's of their past ones for awhile. Amazing how much work they put into them every year.
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