I became a member of Professional Photographers Association of New England when I was 18 years old. Hard to imagine that 20 years later I am not only a member but I am president of this 113-year-old association. In 1989 having just graduated from high school and on my way to the Rhode Island School of Photography. I was fortunate to have a mentor that showed me the importance of our state and regional associations.

I had my first taste of competition that year and I have never looked back. And now I am standing here as the President of PPANE. Wasn’t it only yesterday that I signed up as a student member? I guess yesterday was 1989 and Bob Lizzari SR was our president and the price of gas was .87 cents a gallon. OK, so maybe 1 or 2 or 20 years have passed by.

I am proud to say that in 20 years I have never missed a convention, I have never not entered print competition. I look at my accomplishments and I know that one of my contributing mentors was PPANE. In the last 20 years I have become a Certified Professional photographer, a master photographer, a photographic craftsman and most recently became 1 of 100 affiliate judges for PPA.

My studio is celebrating 15 years of business. By now you must be asking how did a 20 year old accomplish this, you see I still think it has only been a few years since I joined PPANE. Well the answer is, look around the room. For all the prints chairpersons, convention chairs and past presidents they are the ones that handed me the education. For it was up to me if I showed up to learn, and then to apply the new knowledge to my business. I am living proof that PPANE has a purpose.

My last 10 years serving on this board have been another part of my learning experience from PPANE. You see most of us are self employed, actually raise your hand if you are self-employed. So image what happens when you put as all together and no ONE is THE BOSS. You learn to work with others and there may be 10 different ways to get to the same point and maybe ….your way …isn’t the best. In the last few years this board has made some tough decision, in fact many might disagree with some of them. I can assure you that we have made everyone of them with MUCH consideration and every single one of them with the association,

best at heart. You see this voting board, the voting board is 100% volunteers, we do not personally benefit. In fact in the last three years we have had voted to illuminate even reimbursement for mandatory expenses WE occur. There are committee members that have been here since Thursday, and the expenses are out of there own pockets. It is this dedication that is what makes PPANE so special. We have faced many challenges that have made us stronger.

I am proud of the direction we are going despite the tough decisions we are making. I cannot thank you all enough for your commitment and dedication to our association.
I am the most fortunate president of PPANE. I have the privilege of following Bernie Littlefield. Bernie you have taught me much. You have lead

this board with respect, order and humanity. You have set the bar high, and I will do all I can in my power to continue the standard you have set.
One of the many honors of being president is that I get to pick the theme for the upcoming convention. In pondering my 20 years as a member and what has had the most effect on me, I clearly remember our 100th anniversary in 1996. Many will remember the lecture of Dennis Snow. His name may not be familiar; he was the VP of Disney University. To this day he is

one of the best speakers I have ever heard. His gift of using effective story telling in teaching was amazing. A majority of his lecture was on customer service. Being that I was only 3 years into my own business, it had a lasting effect on me. The one phrase that Dennis shared was to “Exceed Expectations”. I built my business on that philosophy. I think now more then ever how important it is. With the technology we have today, and how people expect much more and at a faster rate then ever. If we are to survive as a business, and as an association we need to “Exceed Expectations”.

The theme for the 2009 convention is “Exceed Expectations”. In the next year I will share with you the tools and process to “Exceed Expectations” in your business, personal life and your associations.
In closing I cannot leave this podium with out acknowledging where I come from. I first want to introduce my Father, Roger Goodhue. Much of my strong will and business sense has come from him. Unfortunately, my Mother and stepfather were unable to attend due to heath issues, but it was them that support the expensive habit of an 8 year old that wanted to take pictures. And for anyone who hasn’t heard, I am from Vermont.

The support of VPP in my life has been tremendous. My bestest friends are sitting at these tables. Not only will I serve as your president, I bring a whole state of support and volunteers behind me.

Speaking of Volunteers. You could not have been here this weekend and not notice our student volunteers. It could not be more appropriate that the year that I become president that it is the official start of our student

and mentor program being that 20 years ago my first PPANE convention I myself was as a student member. After spending the last three days with these 9 students, I have no doubt that they will be major contributors to our profession. Many questions our convention move from MA to NH and how the distance would stop people from coming, I thought all of you should know that 2 of these students flew here and one drove 12 hours. For as much as we may have to share with them, I think all of us have been inspired by their dedication to be here and their enthusiasm to help.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your president and the PPANE board looks forward to exceeding your expectations as a member.
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