Saturday, September 27, 2008

Article for Police Union Local 1201 yearbook

As anyone knows who works with the Rutland City Police Department, it is a constantly busy place. Being so, getting to know fellow employees takes a while. And with only a minor few with access to background information some things never come to light until a conversation years down the road. To speed things along I was asked to write a little about myself
For good or bad like it or not I am a 7th generation Vermonter. I grew up in the Ludlow, Peru, and Manchester areas. I was a member of the Boy Scouts of America attaining the rank of Eagle Scout. I graduated from Burr and Burton Seminary in Manchester. Foregoing college to save money, I enlisted in the United States Air Force. Basic training was at Lackland AFB in San Antonio TX and Information Systems Management tech school was at Shepard AFB in Wichita Falls TX. And if you have ever been at either in late summer (Jul, Aug, Sep) you know what miserable heat is really like. With a Top Secret clearance I was assigned to NORAD, Cheyenne Mountain, US Space Command in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I worked Missile Warning and Space Observations where I monitored missile launches around the globe and tracked non-terrestrial objects in orbit around earth. Forced reductions came down from congress and I took an Honorable discharge and returned to Vermont. I started work as a computer programmer for the Orvis Company in Manchester writing their Fly Fishing and Sporting Clays School reservation system. Somewhere around this time I got married. Started working on the side as heavy equipment operator for a logging company. I operated dozers, excavators, skidders, front end loaders for a few years. Also during this time a started as a spare dispatcher at Manchester Police Department. I went full time at Manchester PD few years later. My daughter came along soon after. During this time I volunteered as an EMT for 2 years with Manchester Rescue Squad, a Firefighter for 10 years with Manchester Fire Dept, and a Deputy Game Warden for 10 years with Vermont Fish and Wildlife.
In January 2008 after 17 years at Manchester PD, a divorce, and moving to Rutland City and an extensive 7 month application process, I started as a new communications operator with the Rutland City Police Department. I said new, as in new to Rutland City PD not to the job. Skills are skills right? Going from 2000 calls a year to over 12000 calls a year would put mine to the test. Learning 44 new voices over crackled radio waves would put them to the test. But as I have learned, my wide range of experience in many types of jobs and situations is making the transition from MPD to RPD a piece of cake…well maybe a BIG piece.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

MEMS vs Rutland

Cait played some awesome "D"!!! The photos above you can see where Cait went after the ball, took it away and got it out of MEMS goal area. Even the couch yelled out to Cait "Great job Cait!". You can tell the team is really listening to the coach and have learned a lot in their practices and it is showing in their games. The young ladies really kept Rutland on their toes and both teams had some almost goals. The score ended with a tie! GREAT game ladies!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Birthday Boy turns 41!!

This year for Brad's birthday we kept things simple. If you remember for Father's day he received fishing poles and tackle stuff. Well sad to say he had'nt been able to use them yet. Being that he had to work on his birthday, I planned a day for him a few days before! In the morning we were off shopping for a new GPS hand held system so that he could go geocaching. He had no idea when we got to the store what we were looking for. After looking over a few, Brad picked the one and off we went. Our next stop was the Chittenden dam. With our chairs, reading material, Brad's fishing gear and a picnic lunch packed we were ready for a relaxing afternoon. As you can see Lola and Daddy had a great time. Lola kept bring Brad the fresbee thinking it would be more fun for him to throw then what ever was attached to that pole.

On the night before Brad's birthday we made plans to pick Caitlyn up and met his parents at the Sirloin in Manchester. We had a great meal and some good laughs about 5 lb baby boy that was born 41 years ago!! Brad enjoyed the singing of the staff and was waiting for the kisses from them. Caitlyn gave him the 4th season of House. Which I can say, Brad is VERY entertained by Dr. House!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

MEMS vs. Rutland Town

MEMS @ Rutland Town .....lost 3-0 but........ all goals where score while Cait rotated out for rest!!! GO CAIT!!!!!!!

Cait clears the ball...

Lola watching Cait play

Waitin' for the action

Big D......for denied score.....

Keepin' Rutland workin'

Monday, September 15, 2008

20 years later....Donna is the President of PPANE

I became a member of Professional Photographers Association of New England when I was 18 years old. Hard to imagine that 20 years later I am not only a member but I am president of this 113-year-old association. In 1989 having just graduated from high school and on my way to the Rhode Island School of Photography. I was fortunate to have a mentor that showed me the importance of our state and regional associations. I had my first taste of competition that year and I have never looked back. And now I am standing here as the President of PPANE. Wasn’t it only yesterday that I signed up as a student member? I guess yesterday was 1989 and Bob Lizzari SR was our president and the price of gas was .87 cents a gallon. OK, so maybe 1 or 2 or 20 years have passed by. I am proud to say that in 20 years I have never missed a convention, I have never not entered print competition. I look at my accomplishments and I know that one of my contributing mentors was PPANE. In the last 20 years I have become a Certified Professional photographer, a master photographer, a photographic craftsman and most recently became 1 of 100 affiliate judges for PPA. My studio is celebrating 15 years of business. By now you must be asking how did a 20 year old accomplish this, you see I still think it has only been a few years since I joined PPANE. Well the answer is, look around the room. For all the prints chairpersons, convention chairs and past presidents they are the ones that handed me the education. For it was up to me if I showed up to learn, and then to apply the new knowledge to my business. I am living proof that PPANE has a purpose.
My last 10 years serving on this board have been another part of my learning experience from PPANE. You see most of us are self employed, actually raise your hand if you are self-employed. So image what happens when you put as all together and no ONE is THE BOSS. You learn to work with others and there may be 10 different ways to get to the same point and maybe ….your way …isn’t the best. In the last few years this board has made some tough decision, in fact many might disagree with some of them. I can assure you that we have made everyone of them with MUCH consideration and every single one of them with the association, best at heart. You see this voting board, the voting board is 100% volunteers, we do not personally benefit. In fact in the last three years we have had voted to illuminate even reimbursement for mandatory expenses WE occur. There are committee members that have been here since Thursday, and the expenses are out of there own pockets. It is this dedication that is what makes PPANE so special. We have faced many challenges that have made us stronger. I am proud of the direction we are going despite the tough decisions we are making. I cannot thank you all enough for your commitment and dedication to our association.

I am the most fortunate president of PPANE. I have the privilege of following Bernie Littlefield. Bernie you have taught me much. You have lead this board with respect, order and humanity. You have set the bar high, and I will do all I can in my power to continue the standard you have set.

One of the many honors of being president is that I get to pick the theme for the upcoming convention. In pondering my 20 years as a member and what has had the most effect on me, I clearly remember our 100th anniversary in 1996. Many will remember the lecture of Dennis Snow. His name may not be familiar; he was the VP of Disney University. To this day he is one of the best speakers I have ever heard. His gift of using effective story telling in teaching was amazing. A majority of his lecture was on customer service. Being that I was only 3 years into my own business, it had a lasting effect on me. The one phrase that Dennis shared was to “Exceed Expectations”. I built my business on that philosophy. I think now more then ever how important it is. With the technology we have today, and how people expect much more and at a faster rate then ever. If we are to survive as a business, and as an association we need to “Exceed Expectations”.

The theme for the 2009 convention is “Exceed Expectations”. In the next year I will share with you the tools and process to “Exceed Expectations” in your business, personal life and your associations.

In closing I cannot leave this podium with out acknowledging where I come from. I first want to introduce my Father, Roger Goodhue. Much of my strong will and business sense has come from him. Unfortunately, my Mother and stepfather were unable to attend due to heath issues, but it was them that support the expensive habit of an 8 year old that wanted to take pictures. And for anyone who hasn’t heard, I am from Vermont. The support of VPP in my life has been tremendous. My bestest friends are sitting at these tables. Not only will I serve as your president, I bring a whole state of support and volunteers behind me.

Speaking of Volunteers. You could not have been here this weekend and not notice our student volunteers. It could not be more appropriate that the year that I become president that it is the official start of our student and mentor program being that 20 years ago my first PPANE convention I myself was as a student member. After spending the last three days with these 9 students, I have no doubt that they will be major contributors to our profession. Many questions our convention move from MA to NH and how the distance would stop people from coming, I thought all of you should know that 2 of these students flew here and one drove 12 hours. For as much as we may have to share with them, I think all of us have been inspired by their dedication to be here and their enthusiasm to help.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your president and the PPANE board looks forward to exceeding your expectations as a member.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

USS Salem in Quincy

This is the USS Salem, heavy cruiser and flag ship of the 6th Fleet. She is harbored in Quincy, MA and being restored by volunteers who also run an museum aboard ship. The Salem served our country patrolling the Meditteranena Sea and Suez Canal finally being deactivated and mothballed in 1959, then brought out in 1993 and sailed back to Quincy Naval shipyard where she was built.

Prior to the rest of the crew arriving we had a chance to explore the harbor area and found ourselves across the water and behind where the Salem is docked. We posed ourselves for a timed shot with the Salem in the background.

I am very glad to have given Hank this trip to his ship for his 75th birthday. As soon as we stepped foot aboard I could see his mind working overtime, watching him as memories hit him. This was the first time Hank had set foot aboard his ship since he left it in 1957. We had heard stories about the Salem growing up. It was very cool to see where these stories had taken place. I can remember stories about Prince Reneir and Grace Kelly being aboard while docked in Monacco, and being chased by Shore patrol in Italy.

We were able to grab another photographer to capture this shot of all of us amid ships on the deck....... Fun was had by all

Saturday, September 6, 2008

VT State Fair

Every year the Vermont State Fair comes to town. Rutland City Police are there to provide protection to the masses. A small dispatch center is located on the grounds. Here I am working ready to keep the people safe.
Fighting crime, taking names, keeping evil at bay!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


You know you are having a bad day when..... you don't check the setting on your trimmer and shave half a mustache away. Is there a breeze?..... I feel naked.