So many of my memories from growing up have Lissl in them. Since I moved to Vermont in 2nd grade we were the best of friends, back then I think it was called BFF! It has been FOREVER, over 30 years and that is just SCARY to say. Somehow we have managed to keep in touch. Just a few weeks ago after sending Lissl an update about the blog, she sent a long an email letting me know that her and Brad (her husband) were renting a house on Lake Rescue. It just so happened that Brad (my Brad) had the day off and Caitlyn was with us for a few days. It was fun to share with them a little bit of my past.

Many of our activities have to do with the Hale family and Cait doesn't get to see as much of my friends and family. Of course from the minute we walked in, Lissl and I were in gossip mode catching up. Above is Lissl with her husband Brad and their two children Devon and Aliza. They rented this great house right on the lake with a wonderful view, easy access to the lake and a hot

tub to boot. The kids at first were'nt so sure about Lola but after a few minutes they couldn't get enough of her. And we all know how much Lola like to play that "F" word, and now she had TWO willing friends to toss it for her.

And by the end of the afternoon the request came to have their photo taken with Lola. They even let me take a few photos of them alone and together. What sweet little souls they have. Aliza was all into me doing photos of her and she certainly had an opinion where we should do them, gee I wonder where she got that from?? Devon was all about Lola, after 5 minutes he wanted to know if we could come back the next day so he could play more with Lola.

It amazes me how much time can go by, but yet the friendship never misses a beat. Brad and Caitlyn enjoyed the visit and we all felt like we had just seen them last week. We hope to get together again soon!!
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