The calm before the storm is what you see here! Some how I convinced the boys to get a pedicure with me while we killed time waiting for a judges plane to land. All was going good till Brad and Ken went to get a beer while my toes dried. Brad being the great boyfriend he is offered to pay.

As I was sitting there waiting for my toes to dry, I seemed to notice the workers talking rather fast, a little hostel and of course in a different language. I suddenly got the feeling that maybe they didn't get a tip. I made a phone call to the boys to find out and sure enough, NO TIP!

One of the best parts about PPANE is catching up with friends you don't get to see every day. This year was particularly special. Here are the roomy's with RICHARD! We all graduated from RISP and have kept in contact for the last 18 years. Gosh, that is more years then I want to admit to!

Like all convention for ME, a job comes with it. This year was one of the biggest jobs I have had to do. I was the Convention/Programs chair. The work going into the convention was tremendous but all and all at the convention was a breeze. That could be because I had my Superman by my side to help!
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