Lori got to go for her first time. She had to change around a few of her jobs but I am sure she will do it again. Trust me, you go ONCE and you are hooked!

Not sure who has lost more weight, Lori or Jodi! Brad says she looks more like her back cover photo now! Can't express how friendly and kind Jodi is to sign all these books, listen to each person and have her photograph taken with many!

I wasn't going to be left out!! Certainly one of my all time favorite authors!! I was able to get books signed for Bethany, Courtney and Whitney! All big fans as well!! Made for some great birthday gifts!!

This best part of this trip was seeing Charlene get to meet one of her all time favorites as well! Doesn't get much better for Charlene then this... Jodi Picoult, trip to Vermont and time with some of her favorite people!!

Paul wasn't going to be left out!! Brad just getting done work when we headed out that morning, Paul got to be one of the only MEN in the room besides Jodi's husband!

LOVE that Charlene and Paul got to come and stay the night and finally meet Jodi! Next time guys I will turn the heat on in the studio!!