October 30th was our first snow of the season. Donna had decided that this years Christmas card would be a snow scene. She thought we would have to wait later into the season to get the image.
Of course we could not pass by a great snowy Vermont scene.
You never know where a competition shot will come from
With winter coming soon, we decided it was a great day to take one last outing with the canoe. With a quick check of the map we decided to find Woodard Reservoir in Plymouth.
What a great little place for a ride. This water offered some great scenery and interesting sites around its shores.
There were several cool trees that had fallen into the lake creating some interesting obstacles to paddle around. All seem to have been used as swing trees prior to falling.
Donna found the reverse camera on our new iPhone 4s perfect for getting this shot from the front of the canoe.
Another over the head, reverse shot. Not that the dogscare. I seem to be enjoying myself.
Marking the trip. We are steadily filling up the inside of the canoe with our outings. Looking forward to next boating season.
Fall is the greatest tine of the year. Having spent our summer vacation in DC and not camping, we decided that a few nights outdoors would be just the ticket.
Nothing like that campfire smell. What made it even better is that with off-season camping there is no one around. Bomoseen State Park is out favorite for this. Nobody in the park except the GOODHALES.
Lexie loves to venture about, that is until she hears something that spooks her a little then it right to momma's side.
Nothing like waking to the echoing of the loons from somewhere across the lake through the mist
" can we play after?"
" just keep still and she get done faster"
"but I want to run"
"you have lots to learn"
" if i'm really, really still, maybe those ducks will paddle closer"
"how longs does this take?"
"just do it"
"what are we looking at anyway?"
"did you say TREAT?"
"no really, do I get one"
"I'm holding real still"
"Did you see that?"
"I don't know, something is in the water"
"That's a fish dummy!!"
"Come in, come in"
"give me good reason"
"I'm in"
"you're a dork"
"that was fun"
"yeah, it was"
"why aren't more dogs here playing with us?" "I'm not sure, wish I knew what these signs said"