Donna, posing next to the PPK ( Professional Photographers of Korea, logo flag. Very impressive.

I got roped into reading titles of the prints for the competition. All titles were in English, and were literally translated, I took a few liberties in adjusting them.

East meets West.
PPK'ers pose with the American judging contingent.

right there ready to be eaten. I rocked the chopsticks tonight. I impressed our guests with my skills not only using them but tryign everything they prsented to me. Gotta be polite, right?

Banquet night. My plate is filled with sushi, kimchi, pickeled veggies, bbq meats, octopuss, shrimp, eel, etc. Needless to say there was not much there that made it to Donna's plate.

Grand opening of the trade show!! Third in for this end is PPA's own Warren Motts, handle bar mustache and all.

Who said trade shows were a thing of the past. Not sure what's being sold but I'll take a few!!!!

Media frenzy in the Olympus booth. All were focused on the girls. Behind this throng to the right is the 2011 Nissan 300ZX. They are photographing the wrong beauty!!!!

Group infra-red photo at the Gyeongbok Palace.

Gyeongbok Palace built in 1395. The emporer ruled from this estate until over run in the 1500's by the Japenese. I love the mountain in the background.

Our chosen photo to represent our trip!