Its OK Lexie, pay no attention to Dr Bruce. NO, that is not a needle. "OUCH!"

"I thought you said it was not a needle?"
"Daddy, I feel tired, do you feel tired? I feel tired!"
"Daddy, hold my head up so Mommy gets my good side, did I mention I'm tired!"

"Am I flying ... I CAN FLY!!...weeeeee!"

"When can Lexie play, huh? Does she have to be in there?"
" Why am I in this cage?, and why does my belly hurt?, not to mention I feel a draft, does anyone else feel a draft?"
Once again I headed back to Anniston, AL for more training. I already received my Instructor certification now I would train for a specific course. I would be attending WMD (Weapons of mass destruction) Standardized Awareness Training (train-the-trainer). For several days I learned to train first responders in awareness and identification of chemical, BIO, explosive, nuclear, radiological threats to our country.
As you can see the Center for Domestic Preparedness was busy this week. Each of these represent a class number, acronym for the training and the number of trainees attending. I was in 10-03 SAAT, we had 37 attendees. These classes go on all year long, and thousands of emergency responders pass throught this training center. I am now an Indirect Trainer for Homeland Security.