So convention season has started and we hit the ground running with the
PPA convention in Phoenix AZ. Don, Wayne and I decided that we would head out early for some image making time. A rocky start to the trip is an understatement. First Brad and I left
Rutland at 4AM to make it to Burlington in not so great weather. About 4:30 am I received a call from Wayne saying the flight was delayed. We decided to continue and would meet Don for breakfast. After this Brad sent me on my marry way and Don and I were off to Kevin's house to wait for the flight and meet up with Wayne. Interesting

enough Kevin was on the same flight, going a few days early to meet up with his parents in AZ. As Ann dropped all of us off at the airport I took off my winter coat THINKING I wouldn't need it. For many reason I was mistaken, the first being my cell phone was in the pocket. Don seemed to think.... "no big deal, you will be fine". What he didn't know is that HE would be MISERABLE if I didn't have my phone. During the next hour, to my horror and Mr Whipple telling me NO BIG DEAL, I would say he used his phone 15 times. How did he think I would survive 7 days???? Above is Don happy as could be, WITH HIS PHONE!
Ok, so if you know me I think quick on my feet and have an
ability to solve problems. I asked Don to call his office and see if they could get
hold of the hair
salon where Ann was headed. Amy did her magic, got in touch
with them, they got the word to Ann and see returned with my phone. Ann, I know you missed your appointment and I can not thank you enough. I would have been
miserable. You saved me week!!
After that, I was happy as could be. Our flights were HORRIBLE but at least I had my phone. Don on the other hand wasn't going to go home under the same conditions we flew to get there. That story later!