This is my stepfather Ashley, at his 80th birthday party celebration. When I was three years old Ashley asked my brothers and I if he could marry my mother. My brothers at ages 8 and 10 did not have a problem with it. Me being only 3 replied "No!" When Ashley asked me why, I told him it was because he smoked. He then said if he quit smoking could he marry my mother. I replied "No!" He then asked again why? I told him "Becuase you don't have a dog." You see when my parents were divorced my mother got us three kids and my father got our dog, mother told us kids MAYBE if she ever re-married we MIGHT be able to have a dog. So in the mind of a three year old I thought she would have to marry someone who already had a dog. When Ashley assured me that he would quit smoking, and we could get a dog I then gave my approval to marry my mother. He never had a cigarette after that day and he took us to the pet store without my mother knowing to pick out a dog the week before they married. Our dog Daisy was part of our family for 15 years. Being only three years old when Ashley became part of our life I don't remember a day in my life that he wasn't my father. Many of you would describe me as a strong independent woman, i guess thats the advantage of being raised by two fathers

Here is my mother and Ashley at the celebration. SMILE?!?

Ashley and Me! ! !

This is Cathe DeMarco the Commander of the State of Vermont VFW. She traveled just to attend this function for my stepfather.
The party was held at Post 7779 in Hyde Park, Vt. which Ashley founded and built the hall.