This my friends is Big Head Todd and the Monsters. An absolutely great band that I have only been recently introduced to. BHTM is the #1 Band according to Donna. And as luck would have it they were playing two gigs in Vermont during February. Donna got two sets of tickets for Xmas.

The crew above is the group that accompanied us to the Higher Ground show in South Burlington. Me, Donna, Don Whipple, Louise Whipple, Mike Perrin and Lisa Perrin.
Todd Mohr seen here led the Monsters for two straight hours non-stop mixing newer stuff with some well worn classics of theirs. All were really new to me only having heard the older stuff just recently. What a show the put on, just straight forward, rocking, soulful music, purely for the fans.

Don and Louise

Brad and Donna
Mike and Lisa

BHTM at the Pickle Barrel in Killington....one week later. An even better show than Burlington.
Donna and I arrived and had a lite fare dinner and then scored a great position at the balcony. The crowd was very into the Monsters, think everyone sang along with most songs. Donna had brought her camera and scored almost 500 images. She also increased her obsession for Mr Mohr....wink, wink.

Todd seduces the crowd with his fantastic voice range as well as his mastery of the lead guitar. His skills blew me away, in person he just wails, period!!!!!

Heres a funny note, while waiting for the show to start in Burlington, Donna leaned over and said "I think my cousin just went into the bathroom". We staked out the door and sure enough out she came. What a surprise. Not only her but a whole crew of her family was there.
Want to sample what we heard....www.bigheadtodd.com.....even better BHTM gives away their music, how cool is that.