With the recent visit of Al, it was fun to see Lola respond to him. Al is a fan of pets and always enjoys his stay with us to visit Bella the cat and my Miss Ellie and Kodiak. This was his first visit to meet Lola. Here are some photos Al took of Lola when he was here. You can see her peaking at him as she naps with her Daddy. She doesn't know what to really think of him

OK, Mister.... this is MY house and it has RULES!!

My mommy says you might want to play with me, is this true??? This is my favorite Teddy, do you want to play??

Why don't you want to play with my Teddy outside???? What do you mean you think it is cold out, it is WINTER. Really???? It is not cold where you live in the winter, what fun is that??

You should really try this snow stuff, come on and play with me it is SOOOO much FUN!!!