No need for words to understand what is happening in these images!!
Lexie and Lola have the privilege of their best friends, Remy and Harper owning a pool! They often get invites over to go swimming. I was able to borrow an underwater casing for one of my cameras to play in the water with them. HOW MUCH FUN!! I think we will be doing more of this next summer! Thank you Auntie Bethany!!
Yep, they are dropping like flies! As you read in June we went to John's 50th birthday party! Now its Sharron's turn!
Here is the birthday girl enjoying the day on Lake Bomoseen! Family friends offered them their camp for the weekend. It worked out perfect being that Sharron was helping me with a wedding on Saturday.
Sharron has been my partner in crime for almost 20 years now. I am BLESSED to have her in my life!!
For years we have always bought additional school supplies for the local schools to hand out to those who don't have the resources to purchase their own. This year at the request of a friend in the system, Donna and I provided something different. We provided the means to feel normal to some kids in unfortunate circumstances.
One of my favorite memories as a kid with my dad is going to the Champlain Valley Fair. Now as an adult I do my best to make it there each year and spend some time with him. This year I even got to give him his birthday gift that Mary helped me get this AMAZING image of Tiger Woods. Dad was beyond happy!!
We could not have picked a better day to be at the fair! Hands down this is the best fair in Vermont! I always have so much fun, it is sooo clean and where else can you get Al's fries!!
Look familiar??? Yep that is right the most AMAZING table cloths that Hazel made us for the reception held at my dads are now our bed quilt!
At the end of the wedding day, Doris asked Brad and I if we would like her to make something with the table cloths. OF COURSE came flying out of my mouth!!
12 days later we go over to my dad's to pick up left over wedding stuff and SURPRISE! We had this breath taking quilt and monogram pillows with GoodHale on them. LOVE LOVE LOVE that Hazel made the table cloths and Doris made the quilt. Symbolic of the blending of our names!!
What happen to the scrawny BOY that just graduated from Hallmark??!! I tell you what happen... he turned into a KICK ASS photographer, inspiration to all of us and certainly scrawny no more!!
Well Matty is all grown up now. He is officially on the speaking circuit, he did his first presentation to Vermont Professional Photographers on his self portraits. Check out the slide show below. Matty you ROCK and I am proud to be your home girl!!
Matt's self portraits
The tradition keeps on.... A Lake Monsters game.
p.s its $0.25 hot dog night
Field of Dreams eat your heart out, its not Iowa,
Its Vermont!!!!
Our buddy Champ, we call him Bob!
Kevin, Bob, Christine, Donna, and Brad
These are not seagulls......we're lovebirds!!!
This is a Seagull! lol
Another summer ending adventure. A Champlain Lake cruise
Headed out rounding the lighthouse.
Touring the lake
We heard a fabulous term while aboard today. Lake Champlain is the West Coast of New England.
Truest thing we've heard in a long time.
Don't waste time experience it now!!!
Final attempt at rescuing summer,
a day at the beach.
Gettin' sun and rest
Nothing like the cool breeze off the ocean
Posing by the water
Cocktails overlooking the strip
Dinner and a Show
Its official, summer can end.
Finished with my birthday celebrations I hopped on a plane to Atlanta, GA. I had the privileged to be invited to judge for Professional Photographers of America at the International competition.
Oh the fun we do have, but trust me we also work our brains to fried eggs.
I think we found the perfect combination for roommates. Now trust me there was A LOT of hesitation heard by my roomies, but I kept telling them to TRUST me. Sure enough everyone meshed well, saved a bunch of money and had the most kick ass room in the hotel! Please don't doubt me!! As Brad has learned, I am just plan right most of the time. LOL!!